Browsing Bulletin Today by Author "Antonio, Tony"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Center presents plan for sufficiency in fish
Antonio, Tony (BulletinToday,July 29, 1985 , on page 1)The aquaculture department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Seafdec-AQD) has presented a four-year plan which aims to achieve for the country self-sufficiency in fish by 1987. The plan also aims to ... -
Extensive, not intensive fishfarming
Antonio, Tony (BulletinToday,February 12, 1986 , on page 1)How intensive is intensive? Fishpond operators may claim that they are engaged in intensive prawn culture if they have stocked their ponds with 10,000 to 50,000 fry per hectare. And based on Philippine industry standards, ... -
Fishfarmers cite need for further research
Antonio, Tony (BulletinToday,February 5, 1986 , on page 1)Fishfarmers urged yesterday the aquaculture department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development (Seafdec-AQD) to take into consideration specific fishfarming problems in the planning of its research program. Ramon ... -
It's painful but it hastens prawn fertilization
Antonio, Tony (BulletinToday,July 8, 1985 , on page 14)At the research station here of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Seafdec), researchers may be considered 'sadists': They are inflicting painful injuries to female prawns by pinching or crushing their ... -
Seafdec-AQD pushes research on milkfish
Antonio, Tony (BulletinToday,January 8, 1985 , on page 1)With the ablation technique for prawns already refined and widely used by fishfarmers, aquaculture scientists are now examining the thesis that a similar manipulation of the sex glands (gonad) of milkfish could speed up ... -
'Shrimp food' technology assures industry's growth
Antonio, Tony (BulletinToday,July 15, 1985 , on page 27)The aquaculture department of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (Seafdec-AQD) announced yesterday that it has eliminated one big obstacle to the full development of shrimp farming into a major export industry. ...