Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Bloggers on West PH Sea info drive 

      Philippine Information Agency (PIA) (, May 1, 2015, on page )
      The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) is coordinating with Philippine Information Agency (PIA) in Cebu is tapping bloggers in its information campaign among netizens on the West Philippine Sea issue. DFA's Maritime and ...
    • China won't occupy Pag-asa Island: Beijing also reassures that traditional fishing rights of Filipino fishers will be safeguarded 

      Kabiling, Genalyn D. (, April 25, 2019, on page )
      China has committed not to occupy Pag-asa Island and continue to safeguard the traditional fishing ground in the disputed South China Sea, a Filipino diplomat here said Wednesday. Philippine Ambassador to China Jose Santiago ...
    • Duterte's calls on WPS issue heeded, not ignored, by China Roque 

      Geducos, Argyll Cyrus B. (, May 4, 2021, on page )
      Malacañang denied that China ignored President Duterte’s calls for the country to withdraw its ships from the disputed portions of the South China Sea, saying only a few are left since Duterte spoke about the issue. ...
    • 'Effective presence' key in asserting sovereignty in West PH sea - AFP chief 

      Barro, Dexter II (, October 8, 2023, on page )
      Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief-of-staff General Romeo Brawner Jr. said that safeguarding the country’s interests in the West Philippines Sea (WPS) should hinge on strengthening defense resources. “The name of ...
    • Taiwan shuns 'new' sea 

      Mabasa, Roy; Kabiling, Genalyn D. (, September 14, 2012, on page )
      Taiwan does not recognize a unilateral move by the Philippines to rename the South China Sea as the West Philippine Sea, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said. Taiwan's Central News Agency (CAN) said the ministry issued a ...
    • West Philippine Sea limited to exclusive economic zone 

      Sabater, Madel R. (, September 15, 2012, on page )
      The renamed West Philippine Sea is limited to the area covered by the country's exclusive economic zone. This was stressed yesterday by Malacañang as it said China should not to take offense on the Philippines' move to ...