Fish be with you
What’s so good about fish? A much-anticipated US government report recently concluded that eating fish may reduce the risk of heart disease. A Harvard report was even more optimistic, stating that eating fish lowers the risk of dying of heart disease by 36 percent. But exactly how is not known. It may simply be that fish, which is low in saturated fat, can replace less healthful foods such as red meat. Or the benefit may be due to fish’s omega-3 fatty acids — “good” fats that may help prevent arrhytmias (irregular heart beats), blood clots, and inflammation, and also help lower triglycerides (fats in the blood). The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends at least two servings of fish a week for heart disease prevention, and higher amounts for people who already have heart disease.
Reyes, T. M. (2010, March 16). Fish be with you. The Philippine Star, pp. D-1, D-2.
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- The Philippine Star [2262]