Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Fishery program proposed 

      Espina, Gerry (BulletinToday, August 26, 1985, on page 1)
      Today the developing country that has insufficient fishery resources, or having such resources, but fails to develop them, is at a great disadvantage. For if it cannot make good at producing enough animal protein, or at ...
    • Phytoplankton 

      (BulletinToday, February 5, 1986, on page 1)
      Making the fish feed on the natural food organisms in the aquatic environment is the least expensive way of rearing. In Laguna de Bay, as much as 4.5 kilograms of algae accumulate in cages after two weeks. Diatoms (navicula, ...
    • Prawn's feeding habits 

      (BulletinToday, January 8, 1985, on page 1)
      Unlike fish, prawns are nibblers and slow eaters. They take the food with their pinchers and bring this to their mouth and slowly chew on the food. If the feed is small enough they would throw the whole piece into the mouth.