Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Globe sponsors Boracay clean-up dive 

      (, February 24, 2013, on page )
      Flocks of tourists coupled with uncontrolled development have taken its toll on Boracay as coral reef destruction, water quality degradation and other environmental and social concerns continue to threaten the fragile ...
    • Mangroves, fishponds, and the quest for sustainability 

      Primavera, Jurgenne H. (, July 26, 2007, on page )
      Aquaculture ranks as a phenomenal success story in global food production. In 1975, when I joined the SEAFDEC/AQD, aquaculture contributed 8% to the overall yield of the world's fish harvest; now it provides more than ...
    • Marine scientists express concern over Chinese activities in WPS 

      JYA (, March 28, 2019, on page )
      Visiting scientists from the California Academy of Sciences have sounded the alarm over dredging activities in the West Philippine Sea, as Chinese construction of artificial islets would likely damage coral reefs and inflict ...
    • Mystery giant jellyfish washes up in Australia 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, February 7, 2014, on page )
      Scientists were Thursday working to classify a new species of giant jellyfish that washed up on an Australian beach, describing it as a "whopper" that took their breath away. The 1.5-metre (4 foot 11 inch) specimen was ...
    • P50-M ranger station to be set up in Tubbataha 

      Villanueva, Rhodina (, August 6, 2013, on page )
      The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) plans to build a new ranger station for the Tubbataha Protected Area. To be built beside the old barracks, the new ranger station estimated to cost P50 million will feature a research ...
    • Red tide organisms find new host shells 

      Dematera, Cet (, August 23, 2010, on page )
      A marine biologist closely monitoring Sorsogon Bay in Bicol yesterday confirmed that red tide microorganisms previously found only in green mussels (tahong) have found a new host in pen shells (baloko), which, for the first ...
    • Reefbuds to revive Boracay's coral reefs 

      (, March 18, 2013, on page )
      “Nothing is impossible,” seemed to be the mantra of Benjamin Tayag Jr. and Austrian geoscientist Harald Kremnitz when they thought of creating artificial reefs called Reefbuds to help restore destroyed marine life. “We ...
    • Starfish threatens Phl coral reefs anew 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, June 1, 2019, on page )
      A coral-killing starfish has again begun infesting a channel of water in the Philippines famed for having some of the most diverse marine life in the world, the government said yesterday. The appearance of the crown-of-thorns ...
    • Taganito Mining to give free diving to recruit environment warriors 

      (, August 17, 2020, on page )
      Taganito Mining Corp. (TMC) launches 'DiSCUBA', a program that aims to get more people in the mining community of Claver and adjacent towns in Surigao del Norte to experience and appreciate diving. Diving has been considered ...
    • US scientists report whale making human voice sounds 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, October 24, 2012, on page )
      US marine biologists puzzled by human-like sounds coming from the whale and dolphin tank of an aquarium concluded they were actually coming from a whale. Anecdotal reports of whales sounding like people are not new. But ...
    • Whale killers 

      (, March 25, 2019, on page )
      In the Compostela town of Mabini last March 15, a juvenile Cuvier’s beaked whale was found ashore and died shortly. When opened up for inspection on the cause of death, the beached 500-kilo creature had 40 kilos of plastic ...