Now showing items 1-20 of 44

    • 1 M species risk extinction due to humns - draft UN report 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Manila Bulletin, April 27, 2019, on page 4)
      Up to one million species face extinction due to human influence, according to a draft UN report obtained by Agence France-Presse that painstakingly catalogues how humanity has undermined the natural resources upon which ...
    • Advocates continue call for Filipinos to protect the environment 

      (Manila Bulletin, February 13, 2020, on page B-6)
      Last month’s Australia bushfires must serve as a warning for countries to accelerate the phaseout of fossil fuels and scale up climate action in the country, according to environment advocates. “We have a moral responsibility ...
    • 'Bakawan' seedlings set for planting in Surigao 

      Crismundo, Mike U. (Manila Bulletin, March 12, 2015, on page B-8)
      Heeding the call of the national government to combat global warming and climate change through massive tree-planting activities, particularly to plant mangroves along the coastal areas, a mining firm is set to plant ...
    • Brazil resort town disappearing into the sea 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Manila Bulletin, February 16, 2022, on page 7)
      Vultures roam the sand in the Brazilian resort town of Atafona amid the ruins of the latest houses destroyed by the sea, whose relentless rise has turned the local coastline into an apocalyptic landscape. The Atlantic Ocean ...
    • Catching fish 

      Dancel, Czar (Manila Bulletin, January 14, 2018, on page 6)
      Despite the contaminated water, fishermen continue to fish in Manila Bay. But the abundance of fish in Philippine waters may start to deteriorate soon, as projected by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, due to ...
    • Cimatu calls on ASEAN to conserve mangroves 

      De Vera-Ruiz, Ellalyn (Manila Bulletin, September 7, 2017, on page B-8)
      Recognizing the significant opportunities that mangroves offer for climate change adaptation and mitigation, Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Roy Cimatu on Tuesday urged member-countries of the Association of ...
    • Climate change to batter US economy-report 

      Reuters (Manila Bulletin, November 26, 2018, on page 6-6)
      Climate change will cost the US economy hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century, hitting everything from health to infrastructure, according to a government report issued on Friday that the White House ...
    • Climate change warming Asian waters, altering monsoon 

      Associated Press (AP) (Manila Bulletin, July 7, 2016, on page B8)
      The all-important monsoon forecast becomes a national priority, with more than 70 percent of India's 1.25 billion citizens engaged in agriculture and relying on weather predictions to decide when they will sow their seeds ...
    • Climate-ravaged corals recover poorly-study 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Manila Bulletin, January 26, 2017, on page B8)
      Paris – Coral reefs that survive rapid bleaching fuelled by global warming remain deeply damaged, with little prospect of full recovery, researchers said. Sixteen years after the 1998 El Niño ravaged coral in the Indian ...
    • Companies need to wake up to the new normal of climate change 

      Drew, Jonathan (Manila Bulletin, November 25, 2019, on page 6)
      Think wine growers in Australia, ski resort operators in Japan, or fishing and farming communities in the Philippines, whose way of life depends on environmental conditions that are already changing dramatically. In areas ...
    • Coral damage 

      Coopes, Amy (Manila Bulletin, October 9, 2012, on page 11-B-11)
      Australia's Great Barrier Reef has lost more than half its coral cover in the past 27 years due to storms, predatory starfish and bleaching linked to climate change, a study found Tuesday. The research by scientists from ...
    • Corals doomed even if global climate goals met - study 

      Hood, Marlowe (Manila Bulletin, February 4, 2022, on page 7)
      Coral reefs that anchor a quarter of marine wildlife and the livelihoods of more than half-a-billion people will most likely be wiped out even if global warming is capped within Paris climate goals, researchers said Tuesday. ...
    • DENR orders closure of Snake Island in Palawan 

      De Vera-Ruiz, Ellalyn; Miraflor, Madelaine B. (Manila Bulletin, August 23, 2018, on page B8)
      The Ecosystems and Research Development Bureau (ERDB) has urged local government units (LGUs) to demarcate no-fishing zones in coral bleached Snake Island in El Nido, Palawan to allow the coral reefs to fully recover. The ...
    • Fish, shrimps, crabs float off Cavite towns 

      Giron, Anthony (Manila Bulletin, August 21, 2010, on page 7)
      Hundreds of people feasted on fish, shrimp, and crabs that floated recently along the shores of Naic and Tanza towns in Cavite. Municipal Agricultural Technologist Victoria B.Capili said the floating sea creatures and the ...
    • French President visiting 'Yolanda'-hit areas ahead of crucial climate talks 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Manila Bulletin, January 25, 2015, on page 1-13)
      French President Francois Hollande will visit the typhoon-ravaged Philippines in February to build momentum for crucial climate change talks that France is hosting this year, his environment envoy said Friday. Hollande ...
    • Global warming set to pass 2°C threshold in 2050 

      (Manila Bulletin, October 6, 2016, on page B-8)
      Earth is on track to sail past the two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) threshold for dangerous global warming by 2050, seven of the world's top climate scientists warned Thursday. Since 1990, devastating weather-related ...
    • House leader wants total ban on further reclamations of Manila Bay 

      Atienza, Charissa M.; De Vera-Ruiz, Ellalyn (Manila Bulletin, February 20, 2019, on page 1-10)
      Deputy Speaker and Pangasinan Rep. Rose Marie “Baby” Arenas wants to prohibit and declare a total ban on further reclamations of Manila Bay. She branded as “alarming” the ongoing rush to execute the reclamation projects, ...
    • How will climate change affect your livelihood? 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Manila Bulletin, September 7, 2015, on page 11)
      Here, then, are a few scenarios for a climate-altered future, when rising temperatures are closing in on the threshold of two degrees Celsius (3.6 degree Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels which scientists warn we ...
    • Iceberg breaks off glacier 

      Associated Press (AP) (Manila Bulletin, July 16, 2018, on page 4)
      An iceberg four miles wide has broken off from a glacier in eastern Greenland and scientists have captured the dramatic event on video. New York University professor David Holland, an expert in atmospheric and ocean science, ...
    • Lack of adequate response to climate change 

      Braid, Florangel Rosario (Manila Bulletin, August 29, 2015, on page 11)
      Despite the fact that more people now recognize that climate change presents a grave threat to society, this has yet to be translated to the desired action. Public opinion has lagged behind. In fact, it has been observed ...