Black tiger shrimp revival program stepping up at AQD
As a highlight of its 50th anniversary, Aquaculture Department (AQD) inaugurated its new Black Tiger Shrimp Broodstock Facility in Tigbauan, Iloilo on July 3, 2023. The biosecure facility was built to reduce reliance on wild shrimp spawners that often carry diseases, which are then passed on to their eggs and larvae. Its four 120-ton broodstock tanks, with a combined holding facility of 1,440 fully-grown breeders, are projected to produce 80 million postlarvae annually. More importantly, it is hoped to be a source of disease-free captive broodstock, which are critical to achieving high survival rates and the production of high-quality postlarvae in the hatchery.
Dianala, R. D. (2023, December 4). Black tiger shrimp revival program stepping up at AQD. Daily Guardian, pp. 1, 11.
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