Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Global warming to pick up in 2015, 2016, say experts 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, September 15, 2015, on page )
      Man-made global warming is set to produce exceptionally high average temperatures this year and next, boosted by natural weather phenomena such as El Niño, Britain's top climate and weather body said in a report on Monday. ...
    • Mamburao tuna festival ushers in Lenten season 

      Evora, Robert A. (, March 16, 2015, on page )
      “Feast on fish this Lenten season,” a reminder from the government’s Food and Nutrition Research Institute said. Abstaining from eating meat, like pork, chicken, and red meat, and substituting it with fish is not at the ...
    • Mangrove conservation in Western Visayas 

      Dangcalan, Danny (, February 17, 2014, on page )
      Two environment groups from London and Germany are funding mangrove conservation projects in various local government units in Western Visayas, including Negros Occidental. These groups are the Zoological Society of London ...
    • Obama heads to oil spill disaster zone 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, June 14, 2010, on page )
      US and British leaders sought to ease tensions amid sharpened rhetoric over the expanding oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, as President Barack Obama readied to take matters into his own hands. As political pressure mounts ...
    • Old sea dog steals show at Crufts 

      Reuters (, March 16, 2010, on page )
      A 16th century dog, the only known female to have served abroad King Henry VIII's ill-fated flagship the Mary Rose, has stolen the show at Britain's Crufts dog show this year. The two-year old mongrel, lost aboard the Tudor ...
    • PH is 'Asia's leading dive destination' again - DOT 

      Cabato, Luisa (, September 8, 2023, on page )
      The Philippines was named “Asia’s Leading Dive Destination” for the fifth consecutive year at the World Travel Awards (WTA) Asia & Oceania Gala Ceremony 2023 held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, on September 6. This was ...
    • RP supports diplomatic conference on safety of fishing vessels 

      Lopez, Edu (, October 22, 2012, on page )
      The Philippines has expressed its full support to the diplomatic conference on safety of fishing vessels for the benefit of seafarers held recently in Cape Town, South Africa. The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said ...
    • Sea pollution cut since 1972 UN accord, IMO says 

      (, October 30, 2012, on page )
      The use of the world's oceans as a dumping ground for harmful wastes has been systematically regulated and reduced under the terms of an international convention that was adopted 40 years ago, the UN agency that polices ...