Now showing items 5986-6005 of 14017

    • Fishpond owners importing bangus fry 

      Romero, Lindablue F. (Philippine Daily Inquirer, March 16, 1995, on page B12)
      Don't be surprised if you find out that the bangus you're eating is imported from Taiwan. Fishpond owners are now importing bangus fry from Taiwan after the country's supply has reached critical levels. The importation has ...
    • Fishponds drying up in La Union 

      Elias, Jun (The Philippine Star, March 14, 2015, on page A-23)
      The fishponds in Barangays Biday, Bangcusay and Dalumpinas Este have low water level, city fishery coordinator Dolores Gurtiza said. Gurtiza said the tributaries of Carlatan River, which supplies water to fishponds, has ...
    • Fishponds in La Union brace for dry months 

      Beleo, Erwin (Manila Bulletin, February 27, 2015, on page 18)
      Fishpond operators and workers here have expressed apprehension of how the summer months ahead will adversely affect their livelihood as some ponds have already been dried up this early. Dionisio F. Camarao, a fishpond ...
    • Fishponds, prawn farms reduce catch of Iloilo 

      PNF (Philippine Daily Inquirer, August 1, 1991, on page 6)
      The Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) has found that fishponds and prawn farms have caused the decline of annual fish harvests. In a study, the Japanese-funded center said that small fishermen lose ...
    • 'FishR' to hasten help to fisherfolks 

      De Los Santos, Maricyn A. (The Daily Guardian, February 19, 2014, on page 2-7)
      The Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) eyes to register more or less 100,000 fisherfolks in Western Visayas under the National Program for Municipal Fisherfolk Registration (FishR). ...
    • Fishworld 

      Agustin, Felix (Panay News, July 8, 2000, on page 1)
      A father tries to lift his father daughter for her to see the tiger shark on display at Seafdec in Tigbauan, Iloilo. The premier fishery research center celebrated its 27th anniversary yesterday, highlighted with the opening ...
    • Fishworld 

      (Manila Bulletin, October 29, 2000, on page O-3)
      The Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (Seafdec AQD), hosted by the national government in Tigbauan, Iloilo, has built and ecology park, called 'Fishworld,' which is intended to promote ...
    • Fishworld at SEAFDEC 

      (Panay News, August 25, 2023, on page B14)
      Since its opening last July, the Aquaculture Hall at SEAFDEc's FishWorld Museum has been an absolute treat for fish lovers and those wanting to learn what the research institution in Tigbauan, Iloilo has been doing in the ...
    • FishWorld draws crowd in Iloilo 

      (Manila Bulletin, August 15, 2002, on page B-16)
      An environment education center here continues to draw visitors from all walks of life, including tourists. "FishWorld" was opened to the public on January 29 last year by the government-hosted Southeast Asian Fisheries ...
    • 'FishWorld' opens in Iloilo seaside town 

      Fernandez, Rudy A. (The Philippine Star, July 19, 2000, on page 48)
      An environment park constructed here is now open to the public. Officially called "FishWorld," the facility was constructed by the government-hosted Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department ...
    • 'Fishworld' Park in Iloilo town opens Friday: To boost environmental education 

      (Manila Bulletin, July 3, 2000, on page 21)
      A theme park dedicated to boost the environment education of the general public will be opened here on Friday, July 7. The opening of the park, formally called "GishWorld," will be one of the highlights of the July 6 ...
    • 'FishWorld' rises in Iloilo 

      Fernandez, Rudy A. (The Philippine Star, September 13, 1998, on page L-6)
      A theme park called "FishWorld" is rising here. The facility is being built by the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC AQD) along the national road that cuts across its 40-hectare ...
    • 'Fishworld': Soon to rise in Iloilo 

      Fernandez, Rudy A. (The Philippine Star, September 5, 1999, on page L-24)
      It's simply called "FishWorld." It is a theme park now being constructed inside the complex of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC AQD) in this scenic seaside town 24 kilometers ...
    • A fishy situation: Diving into the Pinoy’s current fish and seafood consumption and the decline in marine resources 

      (DailyGuardian, October 27, 2022, on page 1-11)
      A typical Filipino diet comprises of rice-vegetables-fish combination with fish found as the main source of protein for most Filipinos. However, despite the archipelagic nature of the Philippines and the diversity of fish ...
    • Fisk kill surprises Baseco residents 

      Pedrajas, Joseph (Tempo, September 18, 2020, on page 3)
      Hundreds of dead fish floating in Manila Bay greeted residents of Baseco Compound in Manila Thursday morning. Regine Nequia, president of Baseco Seaside Neighborhood Association (BASA), said they were surprised to see the ...
    • Five boxes of ‘dynamited’ fish seized 

      Masculino, Glazyl Y. (DailyGuardian, June 27, 2020, on page 2)
      The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG)-Negros Occidental and the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) seized five boxes of alleged illegally caught fish from Cadiz City. Commander Jansen Benjamin, PCG-Negros Occidental ...
    • Flight of first batch of repatriated OFWs from Iraq may be stalled due to Taal eruption- Lorenzana 

      Sadongdong, Martin A. (Manila Bulletin, January 14, 2020, on page 1-7)
      The first batch of repatriated overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) from Iraq will have to wait longer before they could come home to the Philippines as their flight may be delayed due to the eruption of Taal Volcano, Defense ...
    • 'Floating disaster': Iloilo City, Guimaras officials take Ayala firm to task on oil spill 

      Angelo, Francis Allan L. (DailyGuardian, July 8, 2020, on page 1-11)
      The local governments of Iloilo City and Guimaras urged the owner of Power Barge 102 which caused an oil spill last week to take responsibility for the latest environmental crisis that hit the island. The call was directed ...
    • Floating solar facility to be put up in Laguna Lake 

      Rivera, Danessa (The Philippine Star, November 16, 2018, on page B3)
      Local solar developer SunAsia Energy has teamed up with French company Ciel & Terre to install a floating solar facility in Lguna Lake, the biggest fresh water resource in the country. The floating solar project will be ...
    • Floating wharf on Apo Island worries environmentalists 

      Pal, Irma Faith (Philippine Daily Inquirer, January 10, 2023, on page A8)
      Local officials of Dauin town in Negros Oriental want to put up a floating wharf on the 74-hectare diving haven Apo Island, much to the chagrin of environmentalists. Scientists from the Coastal Conservation and Education ...