Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Agusan marsh vital bird sanctuary in Asia 

      Sarmiento, Romer S. (BusinessWorld, September 23, 2005, on page S3/8)
      A scientific expedition to the Agusan marsh in Northeastern Mindanao is scheduled late this year to highlight the need to preserve the area's biodiversity, a scientist said. Dr. Jurgenne Primavera, a senior scientist of ...
    • Around 88% of farmlands nationwide irrigated; water supply sufficient 

      Buco, Benjamin V. Jr. (BusinessWorld, March 26, 2010, on page S1/6)
      Around 88% of farmlands across the country scheduled for irrigation during this year's dry cropping season have already been watered, and the coverage is expected to improve as farming activities continue despite the El ...
    • Bangus production expected to recover this year 

      Buco, B.V. Jr. (BusinessWorld, March 23, 2010, on page S1/6)
      Despite the threat posed by the raging dry spell caused by El Niño, bangus -- or milkfish -- output for this year is expected to grow by 4.6%-5.4%, a reversal from the 0.93% decline reported last year, officials of the ...
    • MAP urges holistic Laguna Lake rehabilitation for water security and eco-tourism 

      Yap, Eduardo H. (BusinessWorld, May 28, 2019, on page S1/6)
      Laguna Lake is the largest freshwater lake in our country and among the largest in Southeast Asia. It is an ideal, logical, inexhaustible, and proximately-located source of fresh water for Metro Manila. It is well endowed ...