Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Expansion of tuna quotas seen as 'step backward' for conservation 

      Agence France-Pressse (BusinessWorld, November 23, 2017, on page S1/4)
      The 51-nation tuna fisheries body for the Atlantic and Mediterranean boosted quotas for highly prized bluefin despite scientific findings that doing so could threaten the species' recovery, delegates and observers at a key ...
    • Manila welcomes report that G7 countries concerned about West Philippine Sea 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (BusinessWorld, June 8, 2015, on page 12/S1)
      The Philippines on Sunday welcomed reports that the G7 summit would express concern about unilateral efforts to assert sovereignty claims in the disputed South China Sea. Regional alarm is growing at moves by China ...
    • The 'new cold war' in the US-China trade wars: application to Philippine foreign policy 

      Salvador, Alma Maria O. (BusinessWorld, May 28, 2019, on page S1/6)
      The United States government’s ban that led Google to discontinue its software dealings with Huawei and other firms as part of the US-China trade wars has led key Philippine businesses to revisit their dealings with Huawei, ...
    • Reefs cheaper than concrete to protect coast cities 

      Ingham, Richard (BusinessWorld, May 16, 2014, on page S3/9)
      Coral reefs are as good as concrete defenses at protecting tropical coastal cities from the rising seas but are far cheaper, scientists said in a study published on Tuesday. Instead of committing billions of dollars to ...