Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Beach nourishment - an old practice 

      Mana-ay, Edgar (DailyGuardian, September 21, 2020, on page 4)
      A lot of public brouhaha and sneaking suspicion are being created by the ongoing P389-million beach nourishment project at a segment of Manila Bay along Dewey Boulevard from the US Embassy towards the south side until the ...
    • Life-choking plastic garbage 

      Mana-ay, Edgar (DailyGuardian, September 16, 2019, on page 6-7)
      Since a lot of plastic items we use are low cost and disposable, we create an awful lot of plastic trash. Hundreds of tons of plastic rubbish have been removed during the cleanup of Manila Bay and this is just along the ...
    • Oil and gas from Recto Bank by China 

      Mana-ay, Edgar (DailyGuardian, September 23, 2019, on page 4-5)
      Both Manila and Beijing has confirmed that Chinese companies will explore, drill, and exploit oil and gas deposits at Recto Bank! This shallow part of the West Philippine Sea (WPS) is only 80 nautical miles (nm) from the ...
    • Recto Bank the only replacement to Malampaya 

      Mana-ay, Edgar (DailyGuardian, July 1, 2019, on page 5)
      Recto Bank (formerly known as Reed Bank) is a large table mount (a flat-topped mountain range under the sea sometimes also called seamounts or guyots) in the South China Sea covering an area of 8,866 square kilometers (sq. ...
    • Recto Bank the only replacement to Malampaya 

      Mana-ay, Edgar (DailyGuardian, July 1, 2019, on page 5)
      It's all over the newspapers the past two months that natural gas supply from the Malampaya offshore source in Palawan seas will run out in four years time. For the past 45 years, natural gas from the Malampaya gas fields ...
    • Revenge of the river – 2 

      Mana-ay, Edgar (DailyGuardian, June 17, 2019, on page 4-5)
      In my first article, this writer pointed out that it is the people of Metro Iloilo who suffered the most because of the molasses contamination fiasco of Jalaur River caused by the criminal act of a sugar central. This ...