Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Carbon dioxide threatens: Tropical coral reefs 

      (, February 3, 2000, on page )
      As if there weren't already enough threats to coral refs, now scientists from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) have found that carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in seawater could be a direct threat to these ...
    • Center of biodiversity 

      (, February 14, 2017, on page )
      The Philippines is the "center of the center" of marine fish diversity. We have 2,983 fish species compared to the other countries within the Coral Triangle, the center of marine biodiversity of the world.
    • Mining sediment threatens marine life in Surigao del Sur 

      Colina, Antonio L. IV (, October 11, 2018, on page )
      Environmental group Haribon Foundation expressed concern over the threats to the marine life caused by the runoff sediments from mining sites in Surigao del Sur. On the second day of the four-day “Partners’ Forum: People ...