Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Endangered listing eyed for US loggerhead turtles 

      Associated Press (AP) (Manila Bulletin, March 16, 2010, on page B-8)
      The federal government on Wednesday recommended an endangered-species listing for the loggerhead turtles in U.S. waters, a decision that could lead to tighter restrictions on fishing and other maritime trades. The massive, ...
    • Endangered turtle's tracks 

      (Manila Bulletin, February 22, 2010, on page C-3)
      A mother Olive Ridley turtle, known also as Pacific Ridley turtle, leaves her tracks in the sand after laying a clutch of over 100 eggs (inset) within the compound of the 1,500-megawatt, natural gas-fired plant of First ...
    • Nurturing environment to save vulnerable animals 

      (Manila Bulletin, November 21, 2019, on page B-7)
      Approximately 138 newly hatched Olive Ridley turtles were recently released to the coastal waters of Pico Beach in Hamilo Coast. These are always much-celebrated events as the Olive Ridley turtle is the most abundant yet ...
    • Save the hawksbill sea turtle 

      (Manila Bulletin, May 25, 2022, on page B-9)
      Banwa Private Island has long been a favored nesting site for these turtles, and conservation projects are continuously implemented to protect preferential areas for them to lay their eggs. May 23 is World Turtle Day, an ...
    • Sea turtles set new nesting records in US 

      Associated Press (AP) (Manila Bulletin, September 10, 2015, on page B-8)
      Sea turtle experts along the southeastern US coast say new nesting numbers reinforce their belief that loggerhead sea turtles are making a comeback after 37 years of protection as a threatened species under the federal ...
    • Seawalls in Florida blocking sea turtle nesting opposed 

      NYT (Manila Bulletin, August 13, 2015, on page B-9)
      Four conservation groups notified the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) that they intend to sue over its permitting of seawalls that block sea turtles from nesting on Florida beaches. The agency has already ...