Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Asia’s ocean pollution crisis 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Manila Bulletin, June 6, 2018, on page 2)
      A Vietnamese mangrove draped with polythene, a whale killed after swallowing waste bags in Thai seas and clouds of underwater trash near Indonesian “paradise” islands — grim images of the plastic crisis that has gripped ...
    • Dead whales today - it could be humans tomorrow 

      (Manila Bulletin, November 26, 2018, on page 8)
      A dead sperm whale washed ashore in Wakatobi National Park in southwest Sulawesi province, Indonesia, last Wednesday with six kilos of plastic waste in its stomach – 115 plastic cups, four plastic bottles, 25 plastic ...
    • Fears over plasticeating corals 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Manila Bulletin, February 25, 2015, on page 12)
      Corals in the Great Barrier Reef are eating small plastic debris in the ocean, Australian researchers said Tuesday, raising fears about the impact the indigestible fragments have on their health and other marine life. The ...
    • How your clothes become microfiber pollution in the sea 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Manila Bulletin, February 2, 2020, on page 4)
      From the polar ice cap to the Mariana Trench 10 kilometres below the waves, synthetic microfibres spat out by household washing machines are polluting oceans everywhere. The world has woken up over the last year to the ...
    • Ocean's deepest part filled with toxic pollutants,study reveals 

      (Manila Bulletin, February 16, 2017, on page B9)
      “Extraordinary levels” of pollution have been found in the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the Earth’s oceans. Pollutants from the 1970s have accumulated among the crustaceans that live there, contaminating life 11,000 ...
    • Placing collectors near coasts efficient in cleaning up ocean 

      (Manila Bulletin, January 21, 2016, on page B8)
      The most efficient way to clean up ocean plastics and avoid harming ecosystems is to place plastic collectors near coasts, according to a new study by the Imperial College London. Plastics including bags, bottle caps and ...