Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Brazil resort town disappearing into the sea 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, February 16, 2022, on page )
      Vultures roam the sand in the Brazilian resort town of Atafona amid the ruins of the latest houses destroyed by the sea, whose relentless rise has turned the local coastline into an apocalyptic landscape. The Atlantic Ocean ...
    • Coastal erosion causing land to vanish in Kalayaan Islands - UP-MSI study 

      De Vera-Cruz, Ellalyn (, August 7, 2024, on page )
      While rising sea levels have placed Manila among the world’s “sinking cities,” new research from the University of the Philippines-Marine Science Institute’s (UP-MSI) Geological Oceanography Laboratory revealed that coastal ...
    • Phl is 6th extremely vulnerable to climate change 

      Agoot, Liza (, April 22, 2016, on page )
      Among 16 nations extremely vulnerable to climate change, the Philippines ranked 6th owing to it's archipelagic nature and it's location, according to the global risk advisor Maplecroft. This point was stressed further by ...