Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • The future of seaweed industry 

      Favis-Villafuerte, Nelly (, April 29, 2017, on page )
      Oca Monzales now 71 years old has been engaged in the seaweed industry for 52 years now, starting way back in 1965. He has made it mission to propagate seaweed farming and is well-respected and well-loved in the rural areas ...
    • Mussels - more nutritious than steak 

      Vanzi, Sol (, June 6, 2013, on page )
      Mussels have been consumed worldwide for more than 20,000 years and are now recognized as one of the most natural, organic products available. They are high in B12 vitamins and provide a readily absorbed source of many ...