Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    • As seas rise, saltwater plants offer hope farms will survive 

      (, June 16, 2015, on page )
      On a sun-scorched wasteland near India’s southern tip, an unlikely garden filled with spiky shrubs and spindly greens is growing, seemingly against all odds. The plants are living on saltwater, coping with drought and ...
    • ASEAN tackles mangrove management 

      (, August 31, 2017, on page )
      The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will try to work out a collaborative sustainable mangrove management in the region amid climate change in a Mangrove Congress September 4-8 in Manila. The Department of ...
    • Companies need to wake up to the new normal of climate change 

      Drew, Jonathan (, November 25, 2019, on page )
      Think wine growers in Australia, ski resort operators in Japan, or fishing and farming communities in the Philippines, whose way of life depends on environmental conditions that are already changing dramatically. In areas ...
    • Greenland's rapid ice loss driven by warming seas 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, February 16, 2010, on page )
      Greenland's continent-sized icesheet is being significantly eroded by winds and currents that drive warmer water into fjords, where it carves out the base of coastal glaciers, according to studies released Sunday. The icy ...
    • Iceberg breaks off glacier 

      Associated Press (AP) (, July 16, 2018, on page )
      An iceberg four miles wide has broken off from a glacier in eastern Greenland and scientists have captured the dramatic event on video. New York University professor David Holland, an expert in atmospheric and ocean science, ...
    • Ocean heat hits record high - UN 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, March 30, 2019, on page )
      Ocean heat hit a record high in 2018, the United Nations said Thursday, raising urgent new concerns about the threat global warming is posing to marine life. In its latest State of the Climate overview, the World Meteorological ...
    • Rising sea levels resolve India-Bangladesh tow over tiny rock island in Bay of Bengal 

      (, March 26, 2010, on page )
      For nearly 30 years, India and Bangladesh have argued over control of a tiny rock island in the Bay of Bengal. Now rising sea levels have resolved the dispute for them: the island's gone. New Moore Island in the Sunderbans ...
    • Sudden disappearance of Arctic Ice to have disastrous effect, scientist warns 

      (, October 6, 2016, on page )
      The last of the Arctic’s summer sea ice will melt away completely within the next two years, a Cambridge University scientist predicts, leading to sea-level rise and an acceleration of global warming as the planet’s natural ...
    • Top scientists: climate change is real threat 

      (, June 30, 2016, on page )
      Thirty-one of the country's top science organizations are telling Congress that global warming is a real problem and something needs to be done about it. The groups, which represent millions of scientists, sent the letter ...
    • US backs UN call to save oceans 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, June 11, 2017, on page )
      The United States (US) on Friday joined all 192 other United Nations (UN) member states in releasing a “Call to Action” to save the oceans but disassociated itself from joint efforts to combat climate change. The declaration ...
    • US ignored rising Sea warnings at radar site 

      (, October 20, 2016, on page )
      The United States (US) Air Force is spending nearly $1 billion to build a radar installation that will help keep astronauts and satellites safe by tracking pieces of space junk as small as a baseball. That is, if global ...
    • Venice - losing battle against climate change? 

      (, November 22, 2019, on page )
      Rains lashed the rest of Italy and to the south, the swollen Arno river threatened the cities of Florence and Pisa. But it was in Venice where the damage was greatest, as the high tide damaged over 50 churches, including ...
    • We have 7 endangered cities if ocean levels rise 

      (, July 19, 2017, on page )
      A massive iceberg, said to be as large as the United States state of Delaware split off from Antarctica’s Larsen C Shelf in the South Pole early this month. The iceberg is said to have an area of about 5,800 square kilometers ...
    • World's oceans are heating up at a quickening pace - study 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (, January 12, 2019, on page )
      The world’s oceans are heating up at an accelerating pace as global warming threatens a diverse range of marine life and a major food supply for the planet, researchers said Thursday. The findings in the US journal Science, ...