Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • 'Don't cut mangroves, culture fish and crabs with them' 

      DI (Daily Informer, December 10, 1999, on page B1-B5)
      One needs not cut mangroves to give way to aquaculture. Fish and crabs can be cultured with mangroves. This was what Mr. Dan Baliao told the audience when he reported the development of pen and cage culture in the Philippines ...
    • Engineering design spells success or failure of any aquaculture enterprise 

      DI (Daily Informer, December 29, 1999, on page 7)
      Success or failure of any aquaculture venture depends largely on engineering design. Aquaculture has drawn heavily from engineering science the design and construction of farms and so if one desires to make good on ...
    • Seafdec head inducts new SAEP officials 

      DI (Daily Informer, December 13, 1999, on page B1-B4)
      SEAFDEC AQD Chief Dr. Rolando Platon inducted the new set of officers of SAEP (Society of Aquaculture Engineers of the Philippines) last November 29 during the Society's 13th annual meeting held at the studio visual room ...