Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Highland fishing 

      Lapniten, Karlston (Philippine Daily Inquirer, October 4, 2020, on page A10)
      Age-old fishing practices of villagers continue to preserve and sustain life in the rivers of this farming town in Mountain Province. Tributaries of the Siffu River that zigzag through the town serve as crucial lifeblood ...
    • The 'molmol tilapia'- a food fish 

      Guerrero, Rafael III (Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 28, 2016, on page B5)
      The so-called "molmol tilapia," reported to be a fishpond "pest" in Pangasinan and the coastal provinces of Manila Bay, is actually the "blackchin tilapia" (BCT) from West Africa where it is regarded as a food fish. ...
    • Time running out for Taal Lake's 'tawilis'? 

      Cinco, Maricar (Philippine Daily Inquirer, February 10, 2019, on page A10)
      “Tawilis,” the world’s only freshwater sardine, is a delicacy once considered the “poor man’s fish” and a household staple in the communities around Taal Lake. In the old days, the lake would “turn white” at night as schools ...