Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Generals should shut up on international disputes 

      Tiglao, Rigoberto D. (The Manila Times, April 16, 2021, on page A1-A5)
      Armed Forces Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Cirilito Sobejana in a phone call disputed the headline of my column last Monday that said he “lied on new illegal structures” at Union Banks, where Julian Felipe (Whitsun) Reef is. He ...
    • Vietnam: Proof that "arbitral victory" is a colossal sham (First of 2 parts) 

      Tiglao, Rigoberto D. (The Manila Times, July 12, 2021, on page A1-A12)
      There is incontrovertible proof that what the Yellows claim as the country's "victory" in the compulsory arbitration the Aquino regime brought against China in 2013 is fraudulent: Vietnam claims the Spratlys (Truong Sa to ...