Aquabiz lures potential investors
To help investors embark on alternative and diversified technologies without posting much intervention from the government, the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC-AQD) conducted a seminar on business opportunities in aquaculture here in line with its 30th anniversary. Dubbed as the "aquabiz," the seminar introduced new options that business entrepreneurs could involve with like blue crabs. lapulapu, samaral, bulgan, abalone, seaweed and seahorse. Prior to the seminar SEAFDE-AQD director Dr. Rolando Platon said that these new technologies have already been tested by the agency and were proven to be sustainable.
Portal, T. (2003, July 25). Aquabiz lures potential investors. Panay News, pp. 9, 8.
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- Panay News [1985]