₱12.3-M tilapia lost in Taal Lake fish kill: BFAR monitoring waters off 3 lakeshore towns
At least 150 tons or P12.3 million worth of cultured tilapia turned belly-up in fish cages in Taal Lake in Batangas province due to a low level of dissolved oxygen in the water. The Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the local government of Laurel town in Batangas continued to closely monitor the remaining fish cages after the fish kill occurred in the villages of Gulod and Buso-buso in the last two days. As of Friday, provincial environment officer, Jose Elmer Bascos, said they had yet to dispose all of the dead fish as they needed a larger area to bury them.
Cinco, M. (2019, June 1). ₱12.3-M tilapia lost in Taal Lake fish kill: BFAR monitoring waters off 3 lakeshore towns. Philippine Daily Inquirer, pp. A1, A8.
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