An upland aquaculture project has been launched in Valderama town. The project is joint undertaking of the Antique Development Foundation (ADF) and the Tigbauan, Iloilo-based Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC AQD). Among those present during the recent launching of the project were ADF chair Sally Zaldivar-Perez, Dan Baliao of SEAFDEC AQD, Local officials of Valderama fish farmer-cooperator Jubert Pagayonana, and other farmers. Perez said that she was also exploring possibilities for SEAFDEC AQD to help Antique in other agriculture ventures in the province such as freshwater multi-species hatchery in Sablom town and prawn culture in Hamtik.
Fernandez, R. (2001, May 6). Antique. The Philippine Star, p. 25.