Now showing items 21-34 of 34

    • Phl to continue supporting migratory species 

      Villanueva, Rhodina; Marcelo, Elizabeth (The Philippine Star, November 9, 2017, on page B6)
      The Philippines will continue to collaborate with the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) and support global efforts to protect migratory species and habitats critical to their survival. ...
    • Piranhas devour legs of 6-year-old girl in Brazil 

      (The Philippine Star, February 6, 2015, on page A-25)
      A six-year-old girl was found dead with her legs devoured by piranhas following a boating accident in Brazil, according to local media. Adrila Muniz was with her grandmother and four other children on the Maicuru river in ...
    • Prosecute butchers of butanding - WWF 

      Andrade, Katherine (The Philippine Star, February 18, 2010, on page A-23)
      An international conservation group is calling for the prosecution of people responsible for the “butchery” of an 18-foot butanding (whale shark) on the shores of Tingloy town in Batangas, with the marine animal’s dorsal ...
    • Rare shark, giant grouper sighted in Ormoc Bay 

      Jimenea, Lalaine (The Philippine Star, January 21, 2018, on page 14)
      As it continues with the exploration for sunken warships in Ormoc Bay, RV Petrel – the research vessel owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen – has reported sighting a rare blunt-nosed sixgill shark and a giant grouper, ...
    • Seahorse can be grown in brackishwater 

      Fernandez, Rudy A. (The Philippine Star, December 1, 2002, on page B3)
      Seahorse, hitherto known to thrive in seawater, can feel at home in brackishwater ( a blend of sea and freshwater), too. This was found in a study done by researcher Grace Garcia of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development ...
    • Shark sanctuary put up in Cebu town 

      Villanueva, Rhodina (The Philippine Star, July 5, 2015, on page A25)
      A town in Cebu has put up the country's first sanctuary for sharks and rays. Daanbantayan Mayor Augusto Corro designated the Monad Shoal and Gato Island as a shark and ray sanctuary, according to environmentalist group ...
    • Sharks lose fight at UN meeting 

      Associated Press (AP) (The Philippine Star, March 25, 2010, on page A-23)
      US-backed proposals to protect the heavily fished hammerhead and oceanic whitetip sharks were narrowly rejected Tuesday over concerns by Asian nations that regulating the booming trade in shark fins could hurt poor coastal ...
    • Speaker's shark preservation bill gets OK 

      Porcalla, Delon (The Philippine Star, February 7, 2019, on page B6)
      Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s bill that calls for the preservation of sharks in the country and provides for their regulation was approved on third and final reading on Monday. A total of 174 lawmakers voted to approve ...
    • Stolen mameng return to Tubbataha home 

      Bondoc, Jarius (The Philippine Star, March 23, 2007, on page 15)
      Government and private groups started this week to return to their natural habitat rare fish poached by Chinese last Christmas. One hundred-twenty napoleon wrasses, locally called mameng, gently were slipped back into the ...
    • Thousands flock to fish cemetery 

      Visperas, Eva (The Philippine Star, November 1, 2016, on page 12)
      Like other graveyards, a fish cemetery here draws visitors this time of the year. Thousands visit the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-National Integrated Fisheries Technology Development Center to see the cemetery, ...
    • ‘Tubbataha ideal spot for Valentine’s Day’ 

      Macairan, Evelyn (The Philippine Star, February 15, 2013, on page 6)
      With its clear waters and rich marine resources, Tubbataha Reef could be considered as one of the most beautiful spots to spend Valentine’s Day, according to Coast Guard Palawan District commander Commodore Enrico Efren ...
    • Visayas by fins and snorkels 

      Tagabucba, Marbbie (The Philippine Star, February 2, 2020, on page D3)
      It’s the crack of dawn and Barangay Tan-Awan in Oslob is at its busiest. Paddle boats sail in from every direction. Languages from all over the world mingle. The scent of bagoong is mixed in the sea breeze. I join the ...
    • The weird, The Beautiful & The Zen of Anilao Underwater Shootout 

      Lara, Tanya (The Philippine Star, December 10, 2017, on page F1-F2)
      A rock star to underwater photographers, Anilao shootout judge David Doubilet reveals a life made peaceful by diving and shaped early in a lake in upstate New York when he was an asthmatic boy of eight. National Geographic ...
    • WWF ambassadors, stewards explore Tubbataha Reefs 

      (The Philippine Star, May 18, 2014, on page B-8)
      Unseen by the naked eye, millions of tuna larvae are carried by currents to Palawan and the Western 9isayas an ecological process that helps feed millions of Filipinos who rely on fish as a primary protein source. This is ...