Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • US to decide whether genetically altered salmon is safe to consume 

      Reuters (BusinessWorld, September 2, 2010, on page S1/3)
      US health officials are set to rule on whether a faster-growing, genetically engineered fish is safe to eat in a decision that could deliver the first altered animal food to consumers’ dinner plates. The fish, made by Aqua ...
    • World's nations meet in Paris to rescue ocean life this time 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (BusinessWorld, March 28, 2016, on page S1/7)
      It took a decade to get to the negotiating table, and it could easily take another to finish the job, but UN talks in New York to safeguard life in the high seas finally begin in earnest on Monday (March 28).