Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • N. Mindanao town to develop whale shark viewing tours 

      Francisco, Mark (BusinessWorld, January 6, 2016, on page S1/3)
      The local government of Talisayan town in Misamis Oriental province is planning to organize whale shark sightseeing tours in an emerging dive spot off its coast. Talisayan Mayor Rommel C. Maslog said they are starting with ...
    • Sharks worth more for tourism than in soup - study 

      Doyle, Alister (BusinessWorld, June 7, 2013, on page S3/11)
      Sharks swimming free in the oceans may soon become more valuable as tourist attractions than when caught, sliced up and served in soup, a global study showed last week. It urged better protection for the fish, from Australia ...