Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Laguna de Bay: A vision for the future 

      Palafox, Felino Jr. (BusinessWorld, August 31, 2010, on page S1/4-S1/5)
      Strategically located in the country’s center of urban and industrial development, Laguna de Bay (LdB) is the largest inland body of water in the Philippines and the second largest lake in Southeast Asia. It has a surface ...
    • Microbes galore in seas; 'spaghetti' mats Pacific 

      Doyle, Alister (BusinessWorld, April 23, 2010, on page S3/9)
      The ocean depths are home to myriad species of microbes, mostly hard to see but including spaghetti-like bacteria that form whitish mats the size of Greece on the floor of the Pacific, scientists said on Sunday. The survey, ...