Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • House panel OK's bill protecting areas of 'West Philippine Sea' 

      Cruz, Beatriz Marie (, January 26, 2023, on page )
      A Philippine House of Representatives committee on Wednesday approved a bill that seeks to declare parts of the Spratly Islands and Scarborough Shoal in the South China Sea protected zones. The House committee on natural ...
    • Ocean conservation effort warrants new gov't department, experts say 

      Galang, Vincent Mariel P. (, July 4, 2019, on page )
      A new government department is needed to manage and conserve ocean resources, which is too big a job for the agriculture-focused agencies currently tasked with protecting the country’s seas, experts said. “UPMSI (UP Marine ...
    • Oceana urges DENR to halt 'flawed' Manila By beautification as more dolomite dumped 

      Yang, Angelica Y. (, April 15, 2021, on page )
      Civil society organization Oceana called on the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to order its contractors to immediately stop putting a fresh layer of crushed dolomite on the baywalk area of Manila ...
    • Palawan held up as model for fishing in Negros-Cebu strait 

      Mogato, Anna Gabriela A. (, January 15, 2018, on page )
      Non-governmental organization Oceana Philippines is pushing for the monitoring of all commercial fishing vessels in the provinces along the Tañon Strait Protected Seascape (TSPS), covering the body of water between Negros ...
    • Senate opens inquiry on Philippine Rise 

      Aguinaldo, Camille A. (, February 26, 2018, on page )
      The senate on Monday will open its inquiry on the issues hounding Philippine Rise or Benham Rise, especially on foreign and local scientific research as well as national security concerns on the continental shelf. The ...