Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Cash offered for Great Barrier Reef rescue ideas 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (BusinessWorld, January 17, 2018, on page S1/8)
      Australia is calling on the world's top scientific minds to help save the Great Barrier Reef, offering hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund research into protecting the world's largest living structure. The UNESCO World ...
    • Giant garbage patches of the sea become 'national' art in Venice 

      Reuters (BusinessWorld, May 31, 2013, on page S3/8)
      Five huge patches of rubbish floating in seas around the world will have their own unofficial national pavilion on the sidelines of the world's largest non-commercial art fair in Venice this week, thanks to artist Maria ...
    • Great Barrier Reef should be listed as ‘in danger,’ says UNESCO committee 

      Reuters (BusinessWorld, June 23, 2021, on page S1/9)
      The Great Barrier Reef should be added to a list of “in danger” World Heritage Sites, a UN committee recommended on Tuesday, prompting an angry response from Australia which said it had been blindsided by the move and ...