Importing fish: Sign of Mismanagement
We’ve gotten used to massive rice importation by the ruling party to raise funds before an election, but to see our archipelago that is blessed with abundant fishery resources now importing fish is just too much. The excuse given by the administration for deciding to import 17 metric tons of galunggong (round scad) from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 is to stabilize the price of that popular species that is now supposedly in short supply. Emergency importation has been the quick answer of lazy, or incompetent, administrators confronted with the supply/price issue over critical food items. Importation would have been unnecessary if food managers were alert and proactive.
Pascual, F. D. Jr. (2018, August 21). Importing fish: Sign of Mismanagement. The Philippine Star, p. 6.
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- The Philippine Star [2279]