Global experts convene to discuss Ocean Investment and Business Partnership
The need for significantly increased investment to achieve the targets under the UN Sustainable Development Goals, including SDG 14 Life below water, is well understood. The United Nations Devrelopment Programme (UNDP) cites a USD2.5 trillion gap in investments required to fully realize the SDGs, and it's unlikely that all of this financing will come from government and donor support.Private sector investment has a critical role to play in achieing the targets, with an opportunity to redirect billions of dollars of capital away from unsustainable investments towards sustainable, blue economy investments in East Asia.
Global experts convene to discuss ocean investment and business partnership. (2018, November 16). The Daily Guardian, pp. 10, 14.
Corporate Names
United Nations (UN) Asian Development Bank (ADB) Blue Finance Blueyou Meloy Fund Blue Natural Capital Financing Facility and Capital 4 Development Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) Coca-Cola Ten Knots Group/El Nido Resorts Zoological Society of London (ZSL) Meliomar Seafood Co. World Ocean Council Philippine Business for Environment International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Geographic Names
- The Daily Guardian [533]