Fish farmers to SEAFDEC-AQD: Develop indigenous low-cost feed
Heeding to the long standing call of fish farmers, SEAFDEC/AQD is now putting the development of alternative feed using local ingredients in its priority list of activities. Feed cost is a major component in aquaculture comprising about 60 percent of the total production cost. It is the most important constraint to increase aquaculture production. SEAFDEC/AQD will bring out this matter during the 50th Meeting of SEAFDEC Council on 26-30 March 2018 in Siem Reap, Cambodia. AQD expects full support and cooperation of all member countries as it concerns them too. Alternative, low-cost and sustainable ingredients can improve fish growth, survival, production and eventually boost the income of small scale farmers throughout the entire Southeast Asia.
Fish farmers to SEAFDEC-AQD: Develop indigenous low-cost feed. (2018, May 21). Panay News, pp. B1, B2.
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- Panay News [1998]