Int'l confab taps the power of Asia's youth to care for the world's oceans
Often tagged as creative, optimistic and passionate, the youth play a critical role in shaping the future of the world. Indeed, their role in local and global efforts addressing pressing issues, especially regarding the environment, are becoming more widely appreciated. PEMSEA (Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia) puts great importance on youth engagement in facilitating change for the sustainability of the environment. Asia’s young people will be part of the upcoming East Asian Seas (EAS) Congress 2018 that will be held from Nov. 27 to 29 at the Iloilo Convention Center in Iloilo City. The conference will coincide with the holding of the 5th EAS Youth Forum, which aims to enhance the youth’s understanding of the environment’s current situation and highlight the role they can play in sustainable development and the global ocean agenda.
Int’l confab taps the power of Asia's youth to care for the world's oceans. (2018, September 3). BusinessWorld, p. S2/8.
Corporate Names
Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA) United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)-Philippines East Asian Seas (EAS) Partnership Council University of Georgia GEF Small Grants Programme Save Philippine Seas (SPS) Pesisir Mengajar Indonesian Maritime Youth Association Sip PH
Personal Names
Geographic Names
- BusinessWorld [822]