Guimaras hosts int'l forum on coastal management
The province of Guimaras will be showcasing its best practices on integrated coastal management (ICM) as it hosts the Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia Network of Local Governments (PNLG) Forum this Nov. 29. “The implementation of the (ICM) program here is good and we are the first local government unit from out of the implementing sites to publish the second state of the coast publication,” Jaypee Kein Entredicho, executive assistant to the Office of the Governor, said in an interview Friday. Entredicho said they will be showcasing ten out of the twelve Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the province, including the Taklong Island National Marine Reserve (TINMR) – which was cited as the most outstanding National Integrated Protected Area System (NIPAS) MPA in the Philippines.
Guimaras hosts int'l forum on coastal management. (2018, November 18). Panay News, p. 6.
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- Panay News [1998]