China to deploy fighter jets to SCS — think tank
In a matter of time, China will deploy fighter jets to its artificial islands in the South China Sea, which is expected to significantly expand Beijing’s capability to project power in its outposts, a private think tank has reported. The Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative (AMTI) of the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) recently said that developments at Kagitingan (Fiery Cross) Reef, Zamora (Subi) Reef and Panganiban (Mischief) Reef – known as the “Big Three” – followed similar military deployments in the China-occupied portions of the disputed Paracel Islands.
Romero, P., & Laude, J. (2018, May 15). China to deploy fighter jets to SCS — think tank. The Philippine Star, p. 2.
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