Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Antarctica's sea ice shrinks for the second straight year 

      (Manila Standard, March 3, 2018, on page B3)
      Sea ice cover in Antarctica has dropped to its second-lowest on record, Australian authorities said Friday (Mar 2), adding that it was not yet clear what was driving the reduction after several years of record-highs. The ...
    • Manila bucks China naming of Benham features 

      Barcelo, Vito; Ramos-Araneta, Macon (Manila Standard, February 15, 2018, on page A1-A2)
      The Philippines will protest China’s decision to name five undersea features in Philippine Rise (Benham Rise), saying it will not recognize the move approved by an international organization, Presidential Spokesperson Harry ...
    • Reliving a rich seafaring past 

      (Manila Standard, July 28, 2019, on page D1)
      The Philippines, an archipelago, takes pride in its rich tradition of sailing and maritime trading even during the pre-Spanish period. One prominent boat, which belonged in the country's maritime past is the guinakit in ...