Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Australia increases shark tagging after teen mauling 

      (The Manila Times, October 3, 2016, on page B4)
      The tagging and relocation of sharks off Australia's most populous state will be sharply increased to protect surfers ahead of a busy summer season, authorities said Sunday, after a teenager was mauled in a recent attack. ...
    • Ex hunter-gatherer turns into sea champ 

      Cruz, Ruffie Nyhl (The Manila Times, March 31, 2015, on page A5)
      Gerry Grospe, 53, used to hunt pawikans and collect their eggs for food 8 years ago. Sometimes, he would even sell his catch in the public market. "Turtle meat, although sold at very high prices, tastes better than beef, ...