Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Dolomite beach fit for swimming by December 

      Gomez, Eireene Jairee (The Manila Times, November 4, 2021, on page A2)
      Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) said on Wednesday that it was working double time for the Manila Bay dolomite beach to be reopened to the public and be fit for swimming by December. "It's within ...
    • Manila Bay cleaner in 6 months- DENR 

      Gomez, Eireene Jairee (The Manila Times, January 15, 2019, on page A8)
      The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on Monday said the waters of Manila Bay would be cleaner in six months. The bay’s rehabilitation began in December last year. Benny Antiporda, DENR undersecretary ...
    • Stay away from Manila Bay, swimmers told 

      Sausa, Raadee S. (The Manila Times, March 14, 2018, on page A8)
      Manila Mayor Joseph "Erap" Estrada warned beachgoers to stay away from Manila Bay because it is not fit for swimming. "Swimmers should avoid Manila Bay and the Baseco beach, unless they like fecal bacteria in their water," ...
    • 'White beach' for people's mental health - Palace 

      Tolentino, Reina C.; Dela Cruz, Divina Nova Joy (The Manila Times, September 7, 2020, on page A1-A2)
      Setting up a “white beach” in Manila Bay would bring peace of mind to the people, according to Palace spokesman Harry Roque Jr. Roque defended the plan of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to repair ...