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dc.contributor.authorJardeleza, Francis H.
dc.coverage.spatialSouth China Seaen
dc.coverage.spatialAyungin Shoalen
dc.coverage.spatialScarborough Shoalen
dc.identifier.citationJardeleza, F. H. (2023, August 30). A new arbitration in the South China Sea?. Philippine Daily Inquirer, p. A8.en
dc.publisherPhilippine Daily Inquirer, Inc.en
dc.subjectlaw of the seaen
dc.subjectinternational lawen
dc.subjectexclusive economic zonesen
dc.titleA new arbitration in the South China Sea?en
dc.citation.journalTitlePhilippine Daily Inquireren
local.seafdecaqd.extractPresident Marcos should consider filing a new arbitration case, under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos), against China. This time, it is over China’s recent dangerous actions against our coast guard and private contract vessels, during the resupply of our troops at the BRP Sierra Madre, in the Ayungin Shoal. The new case should be narrowly drawn, as was our first arbitration filed against China in 2013, which resulted in the landmark Arbitral Award in our favor in 2016. For purposes of ascertaining whether we have causes of action for a new case, we review what the Tribunal held.en
local.seafdecaqd.extractPresident Marcos should consider filing a new arbitration case, under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos), against China. This time, it is over China’s recent dangerous actions against our coast guard and private contract vessels, during the resupply of our troops at the BRP Sierra Madre, in the Ayungin Shoal. The new case should be narrowly drawn, as was our first arbitration filed against China in 2013, which resulted in the landmark Arbitral Award in our favor in 2016. For purposes of ascertaining whether we have causes of action for a new case, we review what the Tribunal held.en
local.subject.corporateNameUnited Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)en

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