Cagayan River dredging to start next week
The dredging of the Cagayan River will begin next week to prevent the flooding that hit the region after major typhoons last year, an economic planner said. National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Region 2 Director Dionisio C. Ledres, Jr. said the removal of sandbars will begin next week. The sandbars have been constricting the river waters, contributing to the flooding problem. “On Feb. 2… the DPWH (the Department of Public Works and Highways), the DENR (Department of Environment and Natural Resources), and Task Force BBB (Task Build Back Better) will start the dredging operations downstream,” he said.
Cortez, G. M. (2021, January 29 - 30). Cagayan River dredging to start next week. BusinessWorld, p. S1/6.
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