Tourism opportunities through coral restoration
Seeing the potential, the Cabuan Community Village Coastal Tour Association (CCVCTA) collaborated with Department of Science and Technology and the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD), Sangkalikasan Producers Cooperative, and the provincial government of Camiguin to address coral degradation on the island through the government's roll-out of the Coral Reef Restoration (asexual) Program. Its main objective is to monitor and strengthen the protection and conservation of coastal and marine resources in the barangay. It embodies the people of Cabuan's strong connection with the sea, spirit of volunteerism, desire to adopt progress that is environmentally sound, and reclaim their identity as a people of the sea, hence, its desire to adopt the Coral Reef Restoration (asexual) Program.
Yap, J. Jr. (2016, December 9). Tourism opportunities through coral restoration. Panay News, p. 12.
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- Panay News [1998]