Understanding the simmering US-China rivalry in the SCS: Last of 2 parts
The two factors described above are the main reasons why China built those seven artificial islands in the South China Sea. For China, it is a matter of survival. When the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) at The Hague came out with its decision that China’s occupation of those islands were illegal, China responded that such a decision was null and void. The US even sent two aircraft carrier strike groups to implement the PCA decision, but China stood its ground and informed the US naval commander of the carrier task group that China was prepared to go to war if the US touches those islands. And for the first time in US naval history, it was forced to retreat.
Corpus, V. N. (2020, September 25). Understanding the simmering US-China rivalry in the SCS: Last of 2 parts. The Manila Times, p. A8.
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- The Manila Times [1381]