Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Rising seas are the next crisis for the world's ports 

      Wilkinson, Francis (, July 19, 2022, on page )
      The delicate choreography of ships, trains, and trucks at the world’s ports has been badly disrupted by the pandemic, and the turmoil is not likely to end soon. If a virus can have such an adverse impact on the journey of ...
    • Shark fin bans might not help sharks, scientists say 

      Whittle, Patrick (, September 28, 2017, on page )
      As lawmakers propose banning the sale of shark fins in the U.S., a pair of scientists is pushing back, saying the effort might actually harm attempts to conserve the marine predators. Democratic Sen. Cory Booker of New ...
    • Turtle trafficker 

      Reuters (, September 6, 2018, on page )
      A trial begins next week for a man charged with trafficking thousands of protected turtles captured in New Jersey, an unlikely hotbed of wildlife poaching that has helped supply China with a culinary delicacy that is hard ...