Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • China intimidating neighbors — US 

      (Panay News, June 3, 2018, on page 15)
      China is deploying missiles in the disputed South China Sea to intimidate and coerce its neighbors, United States Defense Secretary James Mattis has said. Speaking in Singapore, General Mattis said Beijing’s actions called ...
    • Forego fuel reserves to limit climate change 

      Reuters (Philippine Daily Inquirer, January 9, 2015, on page A18)
      A third of the world's oil reserves, half of gas reserves and 80 percent of current coal reserves, should not be used in the coming decades of global warming is to stay below an agreed 2 degree Celsius target, scientists ...
    • Melting Greenland ice may leak waste 

      Agence France-Presse (AFP) (Philippine Daily Inquirer, September 27, 2016, on page A13)
      A snow-covered former US army base in Greenland — dubbed “a city under ice” — could leak pollutants into the environment as the climate changes, raising difficult questions over who is responsible for a clean-up. In 1959, ...
    • PH hits China bid to build nuke arms in WPS 

      (Manila Standard, August 28, 2018, on page A3)
      Department of National Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said on China’s plan to deploy nuclear weapons in South China Sea, also known as the West Philippine Sea, a dispute territory among China, Philippines and at least ...