Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Reclamations and red tides 

      Alcala, Angel (Malaya, January 6, 2016, on page B5)
      Land reclamations along coastal areas and the occurrence of red tides are usually associated. Reclamations often result in red tides. Reclamations change the direction of long-shore currents along coastal areas and often ...
    • WV safe from red tide 

      Griño-Caoyonan, Montesa (Panay News, February 27, 2010, on page 1-9)
      The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources 6 (BFAR-6) said Western Visayas remains negative from red tide toxins that causes fish kills. BFAR-6 Regional Director Drusila Esther Bayate said based on their latest weekly ...